You’ll spend most of your life with just enough power to get you into trouble. You’ll be hungry more often than you’re fed. You’ll spend more time in danger on the road than safe under a roof. And maybe you’ll survive it all and live to be old and white-bearded and wise—but if you do, most of your friends will have died a long time before.

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Real life VS. the real life

Why we like virtual life? Because our real life is so complicated, and so stressful and often unsuccessful, so after a time, we need to have a rest in a good enviroment, with good people (you can trust) with good activities. And you don’t have a time to make real friendships, to go out to have fun, and so on, it’s easyest to make a virtual life, than to repair yiur real, end strike out unneded works from your diary.

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Akkor vagy igazán szabad, ha azt, amit vállaltál, meg tudod tenni, és a kudarcok, sérelmek után sem a gyűlölet, a harag uralkodik a szívedben, hanem az újrakezdés lelkülete, a szeretet és a jóság.

Böjte Csaba Continue Reading →